How to Have a SAFE Memorial Day with Dogs and Kids

5 Top Tips to Cut Down on Holiday Stress for Dogs

Memorial Day Dog & Kid Safety Tips

Memorial Day festivities are upon us. But before you venture out with your kids and your dog, you should stop to think about what will be going on, from the dog’s perspective. You want the picnics and outings and fun to be SAFE for everyone. No one wants your holiday fun cut short by a stressed out meltdown of your four legged family member, or worse yet, a dog bite. Memorial Day kicks off the summer with vacations and traveling and guests coming to visit, but that means there’s a lot going on.

Some summer fun that you and your kids really love, may not be totally fun for dogs. Some dogs get anxious about all the activity and strange humans invading their space. Everybody wants to touch the dog and that can really get some dogs stressed. It’s always a good idea to supervise the dog throughout your holiday fun and make sure they don’t get overwhelmed by all the new people, activities, and sounds.

Suggestions for stress free holiday parties and activities for dogs:

  • Practice SAFE Dog Bite Prevention Games

    Practice SAFE dog bite prevention games with your own children and any children visiting your home. SAFE games teach calm body language and skills to keep children safe around dogs they know and dogs they don’t know. It’s also a good idea to ask the adults at your party to model good behavior with dogs too.

  • SUPERvise Kids and Dogs

    Dogs depend on humans to help kids learn to treat them with kindness. But if you aren’t watching, some children can be rough and inappropriate.  When you aren’t able to watch, separate kids and dogs.

  • Create Safe Ways to Enjoy Each Other

    Create safe ways for kids and dogs to enjoy each other. It shouldn’t be the dog’s job to entertain kids or be a play thing. Dogs shouldn’t be dressed up or ridden like a horse. But, definitely include your dog in activities that are fun for them and your whole family.

  • Give Dogs a Break

    Keep in mind that children can be scary for dogs! They move fast and sometimes scream for no reason. And some dogs just aren’t comfortable around children. Dogs need to have access to a child-free area where they can go chill out.

  • Fireworks & Loud Noises Are Scary

    If you are planning fireworks (even firecrackers) or loud music, be sure to give your dog a quite spot to retreat to inside the house before the noise starts.  If it’s really loud, play soft music for your dog until things quiet down outside.

So get out there! Enjoy summer and include your dog in the fun. Just be aware of your dog’s comfort level and help them enjoy summer too.

Get the complete SAFE Dog Bite Prevention Kit for Kids as a free download, available below. And don’t miss the SAFE animated cartoons for how to be SAFE around dogs you know and dogs you don’t know.

How has your family had fun with dogs and kids? Share your stories with us.

Download the SAFE Dog Bite Prevention Kit for Kids

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