As I sit contemplating my first experience with a BlogPaws conference, I’m honestly not sure where to begin. From a Great Dane in a pink tutu to Jay Baer in a purple suit to cats in sunglasses to a red carpet experience that would rival the Oscars, it was something you had to see to believe! But between the fantastic information that was given out, the welcoming members of the BlogPaws community, and some pretty darn cute pets, BlogPaws 2017 was a fantastic conference and one I will remember for years to come.
I was lucky enough to have been chosen to speak at the BlogPaws, so I really got to experience the conference on a couple of levels. In “Email Isn’t Dead,” my presentation to all the pet bloggers, I shared how to use email marketing to hold the attention of their audiences. (See below for presentation highlights and to download a free copy of the PDF.) But I also got to sit in on other sessions and two off-the-chart keynotes, one by Kathleen Gage and one by Jay Baer. I’m a pretty serious note taker, so I’ve shared my notes below.
But I’ve been to many conferences where I’ve not only attended, but also given presentations. What made BlogPaws truly unique was the audience that attended. This is the largest community of pet bloggers in the world. When pet bloggers get together, they love to not only tell stories and anecdotes about their pets, this group likes to bring their pets to the conference. I will honestly say this is the first conference I’ve ever been too where I was greeted by a Corgi, a Great Dane in a tutu, a rat, and a cat wearing sunglasses and a cowboy hat. Talk about fun! This was it! And I think it goes without saying that anyone that would bring a brown Newfoundland to a conference is a special person and one that is worth meeting and getting to know.
I can honestly say that this was one of the most welcoming and friendly groups that I’ve had the pleasure to speak in front of. It was also the first time I’d had Huskies as attendees of one of my presentations. What a hoot! Everyone seemed to get a lot out of my presentation on email marketing and was very complementary, which is always great.
I think I got as much out of attending BlogPaws as I did presenting at it. I met many new friends that I’m sure I will keep in contact with for many years to come. I really hope I get invited back next year! Thanks BlogPaws!
Be sure and checkout my montage video of the conference and my gallery of pictures below. If you have a great BlogPaws conference story to tell, please share it in the comments below.
BlogPaws 2017 Conference
My newbie experience at the largest pet blogging conference in the world
BlogPaws Speakers & Keynotes
My notes from the speakers
Kathleen Gage
Highlights from The Delaney Factor: Discover How to Overcome Any Obstacle And Achieve More than You Dreamed Possible
Jay Baer
Highlights from YOUtility: How to Build a World-Class Personal Brand by Being Hyper-Useful
Kim Butler, The URL Dr.
Highlights from Email Isn’t Dead – How to Grow and Engage Your Audience with Email Marketing
Email Design Best Practices for Mobile
If you didn’t get the opportunity to hear me speak at BlogPaws, click below to download a free copy of my presentation, “Email Isn’t Dead” and learn how to engage your audience with email. I cover email design best practices for mobile, 25 ways to grow your email list today, why you need to use email with social media, several of my favorite free royalty free photo sites, and a great case study of how Good Dog in a Box used blogging and email to get started.

BlogPaws 2017 Conference Photo Gallery
My photos of BlogPaws
Visit the BlogPaws 2017 Conference Blog Hop
See the BlogPaws Conference Blog Hop!
Click here to view what other conference attendees posted about BlogPaws in Myrtle Beach.
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