Good Dog Pro Video Podcast

Understanding How Behavior Works

Take a deep dive into understanding behavior from your dog’s perspective, as well as from the human side of the equation.

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Kim:                  Hello everyone and welcome to Good Dog Pro, the video podcast where we’re going to be discussing and debating dog training without fear and pain. I’m Kim merit, the co-founder of Good Dog In A Box and Good Dog Pro, and I am super excited to introduce my co-host for today and for all our upcoming video podcasts, Mister Drayton Michaels, pit bull guru, and you will find Drayton at Urban Dogs and Hey Drayton, how you doing?

Drayton:                  I’m doing well Kim, how are you?

Kim:                  I am doing wonderful. Thank you so much for joining me and for consenting to this, this wonderful podcast. I’m super excited. I’m going to take just a second and I’m going to explain how our little podcast thing is going to work here and then we’re going to get started. So this is a weekly podcast that will take place every Thursday, one 30 Eastern standard time and you’ve got two ways that you can participate. You can listen on our websites, on our social media Good Dog Pro and We’ll both have the audio as well as our Facebook pages and our social media. You can also listen on your favorite podcasting platform or if you’re more of a visual learner, you can watch this as a video. Again, on our websites, the thirst 30 minutes are free to the general public and are more geared towards the dog owner, dog lover. If the person you really want to learn to develop some, some better habits in and reward based dog training skills and kind of learn to understand your dog a little bit better. The second 30 minutes is specifically for our dog professionals, reward-based dog trainers, vets behaviorist, humane educators pet sitters, dog walkers, you name it. Anybody that deals with dogs in a professional manner. That second 30 minutes is going to be content exclusively for the subscribers of good dog pro. Go to good dog and learn a little bit more about that and everything you’re going to get. And then we’ll also have some continuing education credits available for different episodes. You’ll find information about that on the website and we just are thrilled to bring all of this content to you. So let’s get started in this episode, understanding how behavior works. We’re gonna look at things from the dog’s perspective and then from the human side to really kind of get a better understanding of what’s going on inside your dog’s head as we’re, we’re dealing with them on a daily basis. So Drayton, when it comes to understanding dog behavior, let’s, let’s start at the beginning. Cause I think a lot of dog owners might not truly understand dog training, dog behavior, what’s going on in our dog’s head when it comes to how they behave and how they learn.

Drayton:                  Well, before we even start with what’s going on with dogs, I’m going to start with a really bold statement. And that bold statement is I would say 99% of the people walking the planet don’t really understand behavior. And then there’s probably another, you know, good group of people who may even have degrees in behavior, but they have some sort of hitch in how to apply what they learn with their dog. I just went through this with two clients who have one who’s on her way to be a PhD in applied behavior analysis. And another woman who is you know, a therapist in a cognitive you know, graduate has all that information. But then taking that and applying it to her, her dog is a challenge. And I think this is where a lot of people miss the boat. The other bold statement I’d like to start out with is that everybody needs to realize that there is no moral imperative by the dog to disobey you or to be bad or to be jealous, stubborn, spiteful, that whole, you know, range of anthropomorphic motivators that have been attributed to dogs do not exist. And later we’ll talk about motivation, but the motivation for dogs is much different than the motivation for humans. So when, when you look at your dog’s behavior, when you look at a dog’s behavior, the thing that’s really, really easy to remember is that if they’re doing it, it’s reinforcing, even if we don’t like it. So one of the examples I give is we see a dog barking at a window. Is the dog angry, fearful, stressed, happy, frightened, startled? What’s going on with this dog? And to just see a squirrel run by, did the mailman just ring the doorbell like what’s going on? We don’t know. All we know is that the dog is barking at the window. But if you took a hundred people, they would say it’s aggressive is bad. The owners are Baptist, duh, duh, duh, duh. So at the end of the day, when you look at behavior, which you have to do is you have to be an observer, not, not so much an interpreter, and you need to observe it and then interpret it or assess it based on how dogs view the world. So everybody knows who Pavlov is, right? He had the famous experiment, he made a sound. It was actually a little click. And then he gave the dog food and realized, Oh, when I make the click, they drool. Well, what they don’t tell people is that the dog started to drool when those guys showed up for work in the morning. So when Pavlov was in assistance, we’re walking in the door one day when the assistant said, Hey, there, jewel, and already, so Pavlov discovered predictive value, right? Or predictive sequences, safe, unsafe, neutral. How every dog views everything regardless of the breed, size or age. Now, some dogs might be selected to have a little bit more fear or suspicion cause their guard dogs and things like that. But even that, right? Again, we’re not going to go into the genetics discussion, but even that can be kind of a crap shoot because there is no exact way you can predict how a dog is going to develop, right? It’s going to be environment and genetics and the new humans and their choices, but safe, unsafe, neutral. That’s how dogs figure out their world. And I’m going to be really honest here. I’ve never been with a dog where they felt unsafe and they were actually unsafe. So every time when I’m with a dog and I tell my clients is, and your dog gets scared or startled, not scold them because all you’re going to do is bruises. And that, yeah, doorbells are scary because look, you’re scared of the doorbell and I just yelled at you or you know, people do worse. But dogs don’t go through life looking to cause trouble. There is no such thing as bad dogs. They’re innocent creatures. They have the cognition of three year old kids by the time they’re two. This is proven right. This is not my opinion. So save on safe neutral is the most important thing. Pavlov’s always on your shoulder. That’s what they said to me at the Academy for dog trainers, whatever you’re doing with dogs, they have a feeling about it. And people need to be sensitive to that because fear generalize is easy. So if the dog is afraid of your hands today because you’re putting a harness on them or a collar or something tomorrow, it could be worse if you’re not reducing that fear of stress. So the macro goal, the thing that everybody needs to do is make your dog feel safe. Less stress, get that going first, then the training will be much easier to no different. So the reason why you and I got together before we started the podcast, right? To maybe add some things together, right? Reduce our stress, have a conversation and get the lighting. And that’s one of the other things that I tell clients and people, it sounded like the Owen dogs for organization, right? Dedicated, organized, general. Most people are dedicated organization is a challenge. I’m hoping most people are gentle, right? And they’re not doing things with their dog to cause the chair and pain. But organisation is key and if you, if you go through your life, always remember and yeah, I just gotta set up things so the dog feels good, then I can get the six and the weights and things. Easier consequence learning, right? BF, Skinner, consequence learning, right? That is sequences or flow charts. This happens, then this happens, then this and dogs figure those sequences out. Consequences can be a reward. Consequences can be something that removes reinforcement. When when I get accused of not using punishments, what I tell people is I punished without pain, right? I can punish a dog, right? I can give them some sort of correction or consequence that less than no, it didn’t work without causing them fear and pain. Right? So some, whether it’s a timeout, whether it’s, I removed the treat from the dog quick because they’re trying to snatch it from my hand. Whether I stop walking because the dogs pulling me like a sled and I stopped the reinforcement of movement. But that’s what you’re doing when you’re issuing kind consequences. You’re removing reinforcement. A lot of people think that reinforcement is food. It’s definitely one form of reinforcement. Scent accents access to things, different rooms, different neighborhoods. The chewing and dissection is reinforcement. Jumping is reinforcing. Digging is reinforcement. Barking is reinforcing. So you started out, a lot of stuff dogs do is reinforcing to them in the proper context. It’s great digging and running and chewing stuff and going crazy outside is great inside. Maybe not so much depending on that context. Maybe you have a room for your dog, maybe you’re actually helping your dog run around and do things in your house and chew on stuff legally. So reinforcement is really crucial because that’s all dogs really care about. Safety first, food and water. And then can I do something that’s fun with dogs or humans? What’s reinforcing out here? So if you also look at dogs and say to yourself, okay, so it’s reinforcing for them to do all these things. Let me get ahead of it. Let me help my dog chew on stuff as opposed to waiting for the dog to get stress, right? Because chewing reduces stress. It’s mental stimulation. I call any type of puzzle toy or anything that dog can dissect legally. Doggie iPads. Have you ever seen a seven year old kid with an iPad and a pair of headphones? Forget it. You know what they’re doing? They’re fine. They’re happy to play a math game. This kid will learn long division by the time he’s four because you got an iPad and headphones back. When I was a kid, I was like a division. No Mickey mouse, right? So now what we have with dogs is, Oh, you don’t have to bark all day. You don’t have to be, you know, sitting here with all this excess energy on a snowy day or a rainy day or when I’m busy doing stuff, I can just parse out, work each toys. Cause I know it’s reinforcing for my dog to work for food and dissect something like that can reduce massive stress in somebody’s life. And in a huge amount of stress for the doc. Scent is another huge reinforcer for dogs. And when people learn how to use that reinforcement of scent, you can actually reduce polling your dogs less stressed on leash, etc. So anything the dog finds reinforcing is going to increase the behavior they’re doing to get it right. So, and that’s where things become a little challenging. Cause if your dog is jumping on you and you say, Aw down, sit. And then you give the dog a treat, you’re teaching your dog, the first part of the sequence is jump on me and then sit and then get reinforced, right? Because jumping’s reinforcing. So that’s reinforcing in it of itself. And now you’ve pushed the dog down, or you say off, and then you give the dog a treat. You’re sitting, remember that sequence, right? Dogs, figure out the sequences, right? Remember Pavlov? Predictive value. So humans have to set up the right sequences. So the dogs understand, I’m going to get reinforced for these behaviors, whether it’s sitting in waiting or waiting at the door. 95% of life with a dog is don’t do that. Do something else. And that’s where you teach your dog, you know, some things like, you know, sit, wait, leave it, and touch hand targeting cues. So you have these little communication skills with your dog so they can get proper reinforcement for the proper sequence.

Understanding How Behavior Works

Kim:                  So for the, for the dog owner who, who maybe hasn’t done a lot of dog training and you don’t, we’re trying to tell them, you don’t wanna reinforce bad behavior. So let’s say for example, your dog does jump on you or does do something that you don’t want to explain. What, what’s the, what I want to do?

Drayton:                  Well, let’s backtrack a little bit again. And this might be difficult because there’s a lot of misinformation in, in dog culture. There’s no such thing as a bad behavior. All behavior has a purpose. Now, it may not be at the right time when we want it to happen, but the dog isn’t doing it with that moral imperative to be bad. But I understand the context. Your dog does something and you want to decrease it. Remember, reinforcement, right? Positive ads, negative subtracts. So the common things that people end up inadvertently reinforcing your dog for are the following, counter surfing, table surfing. The common way that people handle it is, Hey, off, down, right? Where they get really mad and yell at the dog. But the thing that people don’t understand is dogs have been scavenging for billions of years. They’re not going to stop scavenging. And your counters in your table have a lot of reinforcement. They have food, right? And people do stuff. They still, dogs are like, Oh, you did. A lot of stuff happens up at these counters and tables. So management is the first step. Get a gate so your dog can’t rehearse it. Behavior that’s rehearse become stronger. If the dog does dip on a table, it’s too bad and you gently take the dog by the collar or the harness and you remove them from the room just behind the gate, 10 seconds. When you let them back in, leave it. They leave the counter, give them something to do on the floor that’s going to keep their attention away from the counter or the table. Work, eat, toy, bully, stick, et cetera. The other common one is dogs jump on people again. If dogs have access, then they can do the behavior. So I always say to people, and I give my clients of three page PDF on reducing stopping on visitors. Hi. Yeah. Hey, how you doing? Do me a favor, don’t ring or knock when you get here. Okay, yeah. Just let us know. We’re doing some training with the dog. Okay, boom, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. 10 minutes go by. You get your call, you get your tax and your people are here. Come here buddy. You bring your dog behind the gate. Shut the gate. You let the people in dog never jump on anybody. When they walk in, when they mingle, they might so dog mingles with the people when they jump. Level one is person walks away. Level two his dog has put away, right. Those are kind consequences that teach the dog. If you jump on people, you get no because Hey, cut it out. Get off, sit. That’s all gonna reinforce the dog for jumping. You have to immediately extricate any reinforcement attention or give the dog attention of, yeah, you’re out of here. I’m going to put you on the other side of the gate for 10 seconds. And then you teach the dog, wait, sit. Right? You teach a dog a waiting to sit auto set, and then you teach your dog to touch. So they come over and touch the Palm of your hand. So as they’re approaching you, they’re targeting your hand or they’re learning to wait and sit. If they don’t do it, you walk away or you sign them out. And so much of this is just common sense, but it’s not that common. Because see, the common approach is needed. Dog in the chest, choke his neck with a caller, yell at him, intimidate him, blame the heck out of them. Right? That’s what people do. That’s why my phone doesn’t stop ringing because that stuff really doesn’t work because even though the dog might never jump on you again, if you meme in the chest really hard, you just need an animal in the chest, right? Like that. That’s not right. You know, where does it go? So they don’t jump on you, but what about your wife or what about your kids or your cousins see dogs generalized fear very well. That’s why pain trainers use it. Whether they realize what they’re doing or not because they’re just hoping the dog figures it out quick or they’re not. Maybe they like shocking and choking the dog repeatedly, but what I’m getting at is that you can’t, you can’t approach dog behavior by causing them fear and pain because it’s a slippery slope. Sure, they may stop doing it, but now they’re afraid to approach people because they’re going to have a generalized fear of the context and the stimulus guaranteed. This is science. That’s why pain trainers are like, look, I shocked him once and he didn’t do it. Yeah, because you got a dog who figured out real quick. Oh crap. When I approached that person, I get shocked. Right? And then you let the shot go. When they sit. I understand the quadrants of conditioning, I get it and behavior. What I’m saying is you can do it without any of that weight set. Then let the dog jump on you. Invite them up. I tell my clients all the time, you want your doctor to jump on you and give you a hug. Train them to do it with a set first. Right? Teach them. You can’t jump on me unless I invite you up. Same with the couch, right? There’s another big kerfuffle. My question is are they soiling it or destroying it? If the answer is no, why do you care if the dog’s on the couch hair get a cover in the eye with little kids. I always say to moms, all right, so let’s play this out. Saturday morning, you walk into the living room, you 10 year old and eight year old are sitting side by side with a dog in the middle. When you walk in, your heart melts because there’s so much cute in love going on and they’re spilling the milk and the bumpy, right. You’re real. You’re going to break that up. You’re going to yell at the dog and your kids. No, you’re not. No, you’re not. So train your dog how to get on the couch. Right. If I’m sitting on a couch or a chair and the dog walks over and jumped all over me, I timed them out. When they come out of timeout, I say, wait, sit. Same thing with when you’re at the dinner table. Every dog that’s ever been my or every dog that’s ever boarded with me, I teach them right away. Here’s what you do. When I’m sitting here eating you sit or you down and I’ll pay you. If you get up and you try to pass through me for food, I’ll time you out. And yet I will sacrifice some meal time to teach the dog that pestering me while I eat won’t get you anything other than time out. But if you sit or you’re down, I’ll pay you all day because now you’re giving me behavior that’s appropriate for this context. So one of the other things that I want people to understand is that the dirty little secret in dog trainings is all about the human. So you have to be engaged in your behavior. You have to understand that dog moves seven to 10 times faster than humans. And if you’re distracted, then you need to understand that your dog might just tune you out and you might have to pop back in. As funny up, a colleague of mine once said, well, you know like when you were in training mode, and I looked at him like, what are you talking about? Training mode. I’m up at five 30 I go to bed at midnight. I’m training constantly all day from the time I get up like it. So for me, this is what I do. That’s why I called myself Colby Bryant, because all I do is work on my craft and help people get better at training their dogs. So understanding reinforcements, we talked about positive, no negative reinforcement is something that’s very misunderstood. Let me make it very simple. There’s a sequence, ABC antecedent. This is a thing that proceeds the behavior, okay? So the antecedent for a dog who is going to jump on, people are people, right? When people show up, behaviors jumping, right, what’s the consequence? Well, consequence in my world is you’re going to get ignored or I’m going to time you out. So the antecedent, the thing that happens before the behavior in a negative reinforcement sequence is an adversive. Okay? I didn’t say fear of pain. I said an adversive. Adversives don’t have to be painful or fearful. Example, I get to the door, I say, wait, no, I wait. I crack the door a half inch, but the dog moves. I shut the door. I don’t hurt the dog with the door, but I just shut the door and the dog learns. Why would Drayton I better wait, because if I move before he says, okay, the door is going to shut. That’s negative reinforcement, right. And then implementing that consequence. Here’s another example. I go to put a harness on a dog and they back away. They’re implementing negative reinforcement. They’re trying to stop the adversive. So when you have a negative reinforcement sequence, the beginning of the sequence is in a Versive and the behavior by the dog is usually right. Some form of either trying to get away or mouthing combating it in some way. They’re trying to avoid the adversive. Okay. And you know there’s many things in life like dogs have to do like little kids. So I always say you got to learn how to be humanely assertive. You got to wear a harness. I don’t want your neck to get choked. We got to get you in the bath. You stepped in something nasty. So when you have these sort of, what will hopefully be innocuous to the dog, you just pair it, right? So I’m putting a harness over your head. You’re stressed. But look, I could drop the bunch of meat on the floor and put it in your mouth and pairing it with that. Not the most elegant comparing of counter conditioning, but Hey, it’s 6:00 AM and you’re a puppy and I need to get you out and it needs to like your harness, so we’re just going to kind of hope food over, right? Same thing a lot of times with the car, just look in the car, here’s a work eat toy, I’ll sit with you in the backseat. So you can pair these little stressful negative reinforcement sequences and actually turn it around and make it a positively reinforced sequence by patting those events with something that the dog finds reinforcing the challenge. The challenging part is when there’s a lot of people in the mix and maybe somebody is going, Hey, no to the dog and the other person’s going, wait. So that’s where it can get tricky when there’s more people, everybody has to be on the same page because the goal is SoundDogs right? Yet you want to sound dog above everything else, right?

Kim:                  And so, and that, that kind of set up my next question very well. Talk about this type of behavior and what you want to do with your dog, with children. You’ve got children in your house, children around the dog all the time. We don’t want our kids to get bitten. Children may not understand one of these things. So as a parent and as a dog owner, what do we want to do? How do we want to address this with our kids and a dog in the same house?

Drayton:                  Well, we first want to talk about age of kids, age of dog, right? Because that’s really crucial. If you, if you’ve got a 10 year old and you’ve got a 12 year old, you can have a couple of really good little dog trainers on your hand to help you out with stuff, right? And really give the adults a little bit of a reprieve and help the kids learn about responsibility. But if we’re talking about, let’s say a two year old and a six year old, then what I tell people is with really little kids who aren’t going to be that engaged, we’re really distracted, supervise, orchestrate, separate and very simple. So you supervise the whole interaction, right? The whole thing. Whether you got a puppy or a dog who’s five years old and loves everybody, right? We’re taking all the dogs off the table who have fear, aggression, extreme stress, like all the dogs who really should just be gated away from kids with a bunch of work to eat toys, right? And if they’re coming at seven and your dog eats at five, don’t feed them too much at five. Give him some more d’oeuvres. So he’s not not, but at five a seven where all the kids show up and the relatives, boom, here’s your first frozen Kong, right? So now kids and dogs supervise every interaction, the whole thing orchestrated. What does your dog know? Do they play fetch? Do they have a good sit? Do they have a touch? Do they have a down do it with the kids? Look, let’s train the dog and you can do most of it and just have the kids involved, you know, as best they can be. That could be anywhere from 30 seconds to four minutes and then we separate. All right, dog. He’s going over here. You can leave the dog alone. Boom. Now the kids can be over here playing video games at dogs over here chewing a bully stick. You tell the kids don’t bother the dog when they’re chewing their ice cream cones right, and you just let the kids know. We’ll play with doggie later or maybe we’ll go for a walk and that’s how you do it. If it’s just, Oh yeah, anyway, did you watch the game last night? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And the kids are ripping and running in the backyard with the dog and you going, Hey, gotta know right. Bad not good, right? Not good. Because even the most friendly, well socialized dog, 35 pounds and up can bowl over a kid. Not mean to kids. Trip kids, scream kids. All innocent enough. Would I do it? Yeah, I’d be out there running with the kids, my 54 year old, but would be out there refereeing the dog and the kids to make sure everything went okay. The dog we learning. Right. And in those cases, like if you can, if you’re an astute dog guardian, your dogs will train mazeltov go for it. You know, like seven, eight, nine year old kids when a roll with a dog, throw the ball, great. Just be there to referee. And you know what I would say work the dog. Don’t even worry about the kids, right? Leave it work the dog because dogs categorically or if they’re well trained, they are way easier to communicate with. Then a couple of four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 year old kids wiling out. Right? Not that the kids are bad, but you know, kids are ugly. I work with dogs and kids and the dog way better trained and better trained. They’re smaller range. So that’s how I deal with it. And what I tell people is you don’t want to run in the room and say what happened, please. Right. Because you don’t know what happened. The kid could have done something as innocent as such. The dog’s here while he’s sleeping and because it’s a kid and it’s right in the dog’s face, the dog snaps it. And when he wakes up, it’s not an adult who’s four and a half feet away and waking the dog up gently. Right? Like safe and safe, neutral. And kid get this. I just had a woman posted on my Facebook page the other day. She said, my four year old granddaughter knows about all these behaviors stuff. She can repeat it to you. She’s right. And so this is a four year old kid, kids who want to be engaged with dogs and learn this stuff. It’s great. You know? And it really is, I think most of the time that nine and up when they come to puppy class and they go home, they’re the ones who keep the parents in line. So, you know, Drayton said, don’t yell at the dog. You know, Drayton watched the video, you know, like, so kids can be a huge asset, you know you just have to make sure you set it up right so that they’re everybody’s safe and give our, our dog in or parents out there, eh, a, a guideline, what you’re talking about, you know, being there and, and really watching what’s going on all the time, age limit wise with your kids. We kind of give us an idea of what you have to be looking for, what have to supervise different agency. Right. I do a lot of baby prep. When you have a baby that’s not walking or talking or crawling or anything, it’s you’re supervising and then you’re separating there. There is no orchestration. You’re working the dog. Right. And you’re right, you’re doing a lot of counter conditioning. Yes. And treat for, Oh, the dog looked at the kid when the kid touched the mobile. Yes. And treat when the kid starts crying. Yay. Baby’s crying, a change, a diaper rate. Everything with baby and dog is amazing that you can not, kids are the most salient thing in an environment for dogs. Sometimes even more than other dogs because kids are weird, right? And not in a bad way. Just kids do like this is what I tell people. Yes. And treat your dog for every kid you ever see. Why? Because they go from comedy chaotic in a blink of an eye, right? In one minute walk, the next minute they’re on the ground crying. Parents gotta deal with it and your dog is going to go, Whoa, what’s it? So there’s a lot of startling with little kids and then you know, when they start getting a little bit older and they’re holding onto the Gates and my, I find they’re talking the same thing. You’re yessing and treating. So if you’re the baby and a dog, regardless of breed or size or age, you’re looking at about seven years where your dog and your kid, the only time they’re together is when you’re right there seven, you’re still right there. But you know, if the kids sitting on the couch eating cereal and the dog’s laying there chewing a bully stick and the dog’s not resource guarding and the kid smart enough to not bother the dog, you can walk out of the room and go do the dishes, right? Right, right. You’re be a jail warden. But if your seven year old kid wants to go out in the backyard and play with the dog, I would say, you know adult supervision is probably a good idea, right? You can sit there and read a book or be on your phone if it’s that easy of a dynamic, but maybe you’d want to be more involved with getting on the dog and the kid when you get up into that area where kids can read sentences and they understand paragraphs and that, then there’s a whole new world because now you can explain to your children the rules. You know one of the big rules I tell the kids is when you walk to your front door, your back door to leave or to let your friends or family and look at your feet. Cause if your dog is there, you’ve got to have mom or dad bring the dog behind the gate. Don’t just walk through doors anymore. Especially with these little tiny dogs who you don’t hear them, you know, like a little Chihuahua or like a little terrier, four pounds, you know, and the kids like, all right, bye mom. I’m going to Billy’s house. And he runs out the door and then two hours later, where’s the dog? Right. You know, so safety is my religion and everything we talk about, whether it’s how to have dogs feel good about stuff or how to just set up the environment, always a safety in it. So I don’t apologize for it because I don’t have so in my life like that, you know, and some people kind of cock and I like really, I just had a guy asked me if I could do a session to help his 10 year old kid walk his 60 pound pit bull. And I said no, cause your kid’s too young to walk your dog. He’s going to get hurt. I’m not, you shouldn’t walk them. I mean maybe in the backyard with you there, but even that could be disastrous. A 60 pound dog could pull my arm out of my socket. Yes, he because want my game. But a 10 year old kid is a 10 year old kid. I just had an incident in my neighborhood. There was a two kids walking their dog. Neither of them had no shoes. The other one had flip flops and I looked over and I said, Hey kids, your dog’s eating something. And the kid goes, yeah, it looks like it’s dog poop. I go, well, don’t let them do it. The kid kicked the dog in the face like, not in a mean way, but like that he’s six or nine or whatever, you know. And the whole time I’m looking at him, I had this all on film, on my gold corner. I was just like, guys don’t run. You’re going gonna fall like, and they were like, we’re sorry. We’re still, I’m like, you’re not in trouble. I’m worried you’re going to hurt yourself. I come here and I walked dogs out here. Right. You know, I need [inaudible]. Don’t take chances with your dogs and your kids. Be there, put up Gates, have it fun, and then dogs will appreciate it too. A lot of times dogs are done with the six year old touching them. They don’t pull it because I’ve been seven stress yawns 90 lip licks and they’re doing all these negative reinforcement, aversive behaviors, and they ticket’s cute and the kids like doggy dog in it. I was like, Whoa, man, I’m really kind of done here. Right? You learn to read that stuff too, and it’s better to just short and sweet. Most people want 30 seconds to a minute from your dog. Most adults that visit you, they don’t want to be, they’re not there to play with you. They’re not me. If I show up at your party, I’m going to have a drink, hang out for about 10 minutes. I’m going to go find the dogs and I’m going to go teach him stuff. That’s just who I am. I’m a geek like that, but most people, adults don’t want that much from your dog and in kids. Again, set it up. If you don’t have to do it right away, you can get, use it as a reward. All right, well first we’re going to do this stuff kids, and then we’ll walk them back around. Play with the dog and a half hour, right? Do something for me and we’ll go have doggy time. In the meantime, your dog’s chewing a bully stick or working on a frozen Kong and they don’t really care that people showed up. So, so that’s a wrap for our first our first episode and our first half hour. So Drayton, just give us a short little wrap up for our dog owners. You got it. A couple of things. What they want to look for and safe environments and human behavior. No fear of pain. No startle, no. Hey dog, cut it out. You know, look to positive dog training force free dog training. Anything that’s going to help you communicate with your dog. We’re not adding stress. Remember when it comes to dog training, the dirty little secrets about us, about humans, right? We have to fix our behavior. Then we’ll be in better sync with the dog. Lastly, your dog is not doing anything bad. That’s a lie. That’s a myth that’s been sold to people. Don’t buy it. Don’t drink the Koolaid. Dogs have the cognition of three year old kids. By the time they are socially matured. Age to the larger breeds, the really big dogs may be they get another year or so of development, but definitely by the time dogs are fully matured, they are no smarter than a three or four year old kid. There are some Mensa dogs out there. Trust me, I’ve met them. They’re really smart dogs, but we’re smarter. You can always, you can always find something for your dog to do in Chu to reduce their stress. Right? We’re just talking about dogs who just got impulse control, happy-go-lucky. We’re not talking about the extreme cases where dogs have separation anxiety or they’re dealing with behavior issues because they’ve been abused and that kind of thing. We’re talking about dogs. We’re ready to go. They just need more positive experiences, not only from their people, but just in general, you know, get your dog to more, you know, fun places. I just put up a post and this is really important. We’ll end in here. Schedule your dog’s life like you would for yourself or your kid because it goes by quick. Put the schedule in like I’m going to walk them. I’m going to give them an extra time. We’re going to go to their friend’s house next week. Schedule stuff for them. Trust me when you’re, when your dog is taking their last breath, you don’t want to say, ah geez, I wish I walked you more. You want to say I walked, I walked you so much. My back hurt. I love. Yup. I actually didn’t have a life because I love you so much.

Kim:                  I love you so much my life. Anyway, that’s a yes indeed. Thank you so much everyone for joining us and if you’re a dog professional, please join us for the second half of this conversation in your good jog pro online learning account. We’ll be continuing this from the dog professional side of the conversation, our next week, please join us for generic impulse control and stress reduction for all dogs, where we’re going to talk about making every day in your life and your dog’s life less stressful and what a wonderful thing that would be and will be. So we’ll see you next week. Thank you so much. Thanks. If you’d like to participate in the rest of today’s conversation for professionals who work with dogs and receive continuing education credits from participating organizations for listening, visit good dog and subscribe today. Use coupon dogs rock to get 40% off your first month or annual subscription.

Drayton Michaels, CTC Dog Bite Prevention Webinar

Drayton Michaels has been working with dogs professionally for over twelve years. In 2007, he earned his Certification in Dog Training and Behavior Counseling from the San Francisco SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers, directed by the renowned authors and dog experts Jean Donaldson and Janis Bradley. Drayton offers a specialty subsidiary of his Urban Dawgs, called Pit Bull Guru, and offers reward-based training and behavior consulting through Drayton is the producer of The Pit Bull Hoax, a short film that set out to debunk common myths about Pit Bulls. His two YouTube Channels, Pit Bull Guru and Urban Dawgs have over 300,000 views.

Kim Merritt Butler Good Dog in a Box Cofounder

Kim Merritt is a serial entrepreneur who started her first company, Kim’s Khocolate, at eleven years of age. As a teenager, she was discovered by Guy Kawasaki who invited her to make custom Khocolate for Apple. Kim went on to do business with The Rolling Stones, AT&T, MCI, Becton Dickinson, Bausch & Lomb, and Range Rover. Her second company, an e-commerce play, sold brand name dinnerware and home decor items across North America. She founded Good Dog in a Box with her sister, professional dog trainer Jenn Merritt, CPDT-KA. Her love of dogs and kids has pushed her to develop and co-develop a number of products, online training courses, and curriculums revolving around dog bite prevention and dog safety. Her latest endeavor, Good Dog Pro, is a subscription based online education system and community for dog professionals.

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